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Support the Boundless Wellbeing of Others - 2 Options


It is always my policy that if someone feels compelled to work with me, money shouldn't be an obstacle. 

I like to meet people where they're at. I certainly know what it is to live hand to mouth.


When needed, I offer services on a sliding scale or full scholarship, if I feel the person is really willing & ready to do the work, but they are in a financially compromised situation. 


If you love my work and would like to support discounted or complimentary services for those who are looking to better their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing by attending my workshops, or engaging in 1:1 services, your donations are very much appreciated. 


My 1:1 work serves as a valuable compliment or alternative to traditional therapy. My holistic approach, which combines an eclectic mix of complimentary modalities, is highly effective for finding peace and balance, healing trauma on levels that talk therapy does not, and growing through life changes, empowered.


If you'd like to donate to the Boundless Wellbeing Fund, you can click an electronic payment button below and enter any amount. Include a note 'Donation' & indicate if you are donating toward any particular program or service.


You can also donate via Apple Pay or Zelle to 2022154498 in which case, send me a text or email letting me know.


Also! I am the Creative Director of a new non-profit, Cosmic Vibrations, Inc.

We are in the beginning, building phase, stay tuned, and check out our site!

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to support our startup costs, please let me know, we are getting set up to accept donations.

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